What a wonderful coconut cream pie. I tested this recipe out tonight because my girlfriend wants one for her birthday. If this didn’t work out, I was going to head to Bob Evans to get her pie since, while I find their food lacking, they do a fantastic coconut pie. I followed some of the advice in previous reviews and used 1 1/2 cups half-n-half and 1 1/2 cups canned coconut milk. I also used the 1/3 cup of cornstarch instead of flour and made my own whipped cream. I also used fresh coconut (from the freezer section) instead of that nasty dried, sweetened stuff in the cake mix aisle. I made the custard in the microwave and it was thick, smooth, creamy, and beautiful in just 5 minutes. I pulled the bowl out after each minute to stir the mixture with a whisk. SO easy and SO good. No need for coconut extract if you use fresh coconut and coconut milk. Thanks for a great recipe!
Ingredients :
1 Cup Sugar
3 Tbsp of Butter or Margarine
1/4 Cup Cornstarch
1-1/2 Tsp Vanilla
1/4 Tsp Salt
1 (3-1/2 oz.) Can Flaked Coconut
3 Cups Milk
4 Eggs, Separated
Your favorite pie crust, baked in a 9-inch pan
Your favorite whipped creamDIRECTIONS:Separate the egg yolks from the egg whites. Reserve egg whites for a meringue topping or discard.
Combine sugar, cornstarch, salt and milk. Cook mixture over medium to low heat, stirring constantly. After mixture bubbles ups and thickens, cook an additional 2 minutes. Remove from heat.
Beat egg yolks slightly. Gradually stir 1 cup of hot mixture into yolks, being careful not to scramble the yolks. Return the egg mixture to saucepan; bring to a gentle boil. Cook and stir 2 minutes more. Remove from heat.
Add butter and vanilla; stir until butter is melted. Add the coconut and mix. Pour mixture into a baked 9-inch pie crust. Allow pie mixture to cool.
Top with whipped cream or:
4 egg whites, reserved from coconut filling
1/2 tsp vanilla
1/2 Cup sugar
1/4 tsp cream of tartar
toasted coconut flakes
Beat egg whites (at room temperature) and cream of tartar with an electric mixer at high speed. Beat until foamy. Gradually add sugar, 1 tablespoon at a time, until stiff peaks form and the sugar is dissolved (2 to 4 minutes).
Beat in vanilla and spread meringue over hot coconut filling, sealing to the edge of the pastry. Sprinkle extra coconut on top of meringue. Bake at 350 degrees for 12 to 15 minutes or until browned. Allow pie to cool completely before cutting.

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