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Salad With Cranberries And Orange Salad With Cranberries And Orange Reviewed by Recipes on 2:14 PM Rating: 5
Steak Foil Packets (Hobo Dinner) Steak Foil Packets (Hobo Dinner) Reviewed by Recipes on 5:55 AM Rating: 5
Bluebonnet Cafe Coconut Cream Pie Bluebonnet Cafe Coconut Cream Pie Reviewed by Recipes on 5:40 AM Rating: 5

Nutella Filled Donut

5:35 AM
This Nutella filled donut recipe will seriously blow your mind. Imagine the softest, puffiest yeast donut of your life, then roll it in a to...
Nutella Filled Donut Nutella Filled Donut Reviewed by Recipes on 5:35 AM Rating: 5
Chicken and Shrimp Fried Rice Chicken and Shrimp Fried Rice Reviewed by Recipes on 5:28 AM Rating: 5

Cool Whip Pound Cake

5:24 AM
  I wanted to make a cake for Christmas, it's been a good while since I've fixed one. I starting going through one of my old church ...
Cool Whip Pound Cake Cool Whip Pound Cake Reviewed by Recipes on 5:24 AM Rating: 5
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